Tagsan Jihoin(Tage Fudoson)

It is said that this temple was first built in 822 by Sonchin, a high disciple of Shodo Shonin. The main deity of the temple is Batou Kannon. In 1335, Prince Kimitsuna (the 9th lord of Utsunomiya) moved the image of Fudo Myoo (Buddhist guardian diety) here from Katsuyama Castle. The Fudo Myoo is the principle image of the temple. Because it is a ‘hidden Buddha’, it can be seen by the public only on the first Sunday of September.

563 Tagemachi,Utsunomiya City ℡028-652-1488

Goma prayer/every day at 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00


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